Patsy allows great flexibility in how categorical data is coded, via the function C(). C() marks some data as being categorical (including data which would not automatically be treated as categorical, such as a column of integers), while also optionally setting the preferred coding scheme and level ordering.
Let’s get some categorical data to work with:
In [1]: from patsy import dmatrix, demo_data, ContrastMatrix, Poly
In [2]: data = demo_data("a", nlevels=3)
In [3]: data
Out[3]: {'a': ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3']}
As you know, simply giving Patsy a categorical variable causes it to be coded using the default Treatment coding scheme. (Strings and booleans are treated as categorical by default.)
In [1]: dmatrix("a", data)
DesignMatrix with shape (6, 3)
Intercept a[T.a2] a[T.a3]
1 0 0
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 0 0
1 1 0
1 0 1
'Intercept' (column 0)
'a' (columns 1:3)
We can also alter the level ordering, which is useful for, e.g., Diff coding:
In [1]: l = ["a3", "a2", "a1"]
In [2]: dmatrix("C(a, levels=l)", data)
DesignMatrix with shape (6, 3)
Intercept C(a, levels=l)[T.a2] C(a, levels=l)[T.a1]
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 0 0
'Intercept' (column 0)
'C(a, levels=l)' (columns 1:3)
But the default coding is just that – a default. The easiest alternative is to use one of the other built-in coding schemes, like orthogonal polynomial coding:
In [1]: dmatrix("C(a, Poly)", data)
DesignMatrix with shape (6, 3)
Intercept C(a, Poly).Linear C(a, Poly).Quadratic
1 -0.70711 0.40825
1 -0.00000 -0.81650
1 0.70711 0.40825
1 -0.70711 0.40825
1 -0.00000 -0.81650
1 0.70711 0.40825
'Intercept' (column 0)
'C(a, Poly)' (columns 1:3)
There are a number of built-in coding schemes; for details you can check the API reference. But we aren’t restricted to those. We can also provide a custom contrast matrix, which allows us to produce all kinds of strange designs:
In [1]: contrast = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
In [2]: dmatrix("C(a, contrast)", data)
DesignMatrix with shape (6, 3)
Intercept C(a, contrast)[custom0] C(a, contrast)[custom1]
1 1 2
1 3 4
1 5 6
1 1 2
1 3 4
1 5 6
'Intercept' (column 0)
'C(a, contrast)' (columns 1:3)
In [3]: dmatrix("C(a, [[1], [2], [-4]])", data)
DesignMatrix with shape (6, 2)
Intercept C(a, [[1], [2], [-4]])[custom0]
1 1
1 2
1 -4
1 1
1 2
1 -4
'Intercept' (column 0)
'C(a, [[1], [2], [-4]])' (column 1)
Hmm, those [custom0], [custom1] names that Patsy auto-generated for us are a bit ugly looking. We can attach names to our contrast matrix by creating a ContrastMatrix object, and make things prettier:
In [1]: contrast_mat = ContrastMatrix(contrast, ["[pretty0]", "[pretty1]"])
In [2]: dmatrix("C(a, contrast_mat)", data)
DesignMatrix with shape (6, 3)
Intercept C(a, contrast_mat)[pretty0] C(a, contrast_mat)[pretty1]
1 1 2
1 3 4
1 5 6
1 1 2
1 3 4
1 5 6
'Intercept' (column 0)
'C(a, contrast_mat)' (columns 1:3)
And, finally, if we want to get really fancy, we can also define our own “smart” coding schemes like Poly. Just define a class that has two methods, code_with_intercept() and code_without_intercept(). They have identical signatures, taking a list of levels as their argument and returning a ContrastMatrix. Patsy will automatically choose the appropriate method to call to produce a full-rank design matrix without redundancy; see Redundancy and categorical factors for the full details on how Patsy makes this decision.
As an example, here’s a simplified version of the built-in Treatment coding object:
import numpy as np
class MyTreat(object):
def __init__(self, reference=0):
self.reference = reference
def code_with_intercept(self, levels):
return ContrastMatrix(np.eye(len(levels)),
["[My.%s]" % (level,) for level in levels])
def code_without_intercept(self, levels):
eye = np.eye(len(levels) - 1)
contrasts = np.vstack((eye[:self.reference, :],
np.zeros((1, len(levels) - 1)),
eye[self.reference:, :]))
suffixes = ["[MyT.%s]" % (level,) for level in
levels[:self.reference] + levels[self.reference + 1:]]
return ContrastMatrix(contrasts, suffixes)
And it can now be used just like the built-in methods:
# Full rank:
In [1]: dmatrix("0 + C(a, MyTreat)", data)
DesignMatrix with shape (6, 3)
C(a, MyTreat)[My.a1] C(a, MyTreat)[My.a2] C(a, MyTreat)[My.a3]
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
'C(a, MyTreat)' (columns 0:3)
# Reduced rank:
In [2]: dmatrix("C(a, MyTreat)", data)
DesignMatrix with shape (6, 3)
Intercept C(a, MyTreat)[MyT.a2] C(a, MyTreat)[MyT.a3]
1 0 0
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 0 0
1 1 0
1 0 1
'Intercept' (column 0)
'C(a, MyTreat)' (columns 1:3)
# With argument:
In [3]: dmatrix("C(a, MyTreat(2))", data)
DesignMatrix with shape (6, 3)
Intercept C(a, MyTreat(2))[MyT.a1] C(a, MyTreat(2))[MyT.a2]
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 0 0
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 0 0
'Intercept' (column 0)
'C(a, MyTreat(2))' (columns 1:3)